Palia – Visual Guide to Crop Growth Stages

Grow Visualisation

Apart from Tomatoes, each plant has 4 stages you can find it in, these are:

  • Seed Stage
  • First Growth
  • Mid Stage
  • Grown

Some plants will go from one stage to the next with all plants leaving the seed stage after the first growth tic, while some plants will remain in certain stages for 2 growth tics, this means that there won’t be a visual change between certain growth tics for a select number of crops.

Some crops have this extra growth time in the first growth stage, while others in the mid stage, with Potatoes and Cotton having them in both.

A growth tic happens every morning at 6 AM as long as your plants are watered and don’t have weeds they will grow.


With Tomatoes being the outlier in both growth stages and visuals they take 4 growth tics before they’re fully grown and then can be harvested, then they reset to the previous stage, and can be harvested again after more growth.

From here on each crop when you plant it will just look like seeds, these seeds will grow into each plant’s first growth stage after the first growth tic.


Carrots only need 3 growth tics before they’re fully grown meaning they will go from one stage to the next each time, and are one of the easiest to recognize.


Rice is the same as carrots, taking only 3 tics to finish.


Onions take 4 Growth tics before they’re ready to harvest, with them staying in the mid stage for 2 of those.


Wheat is just like Onions with 4 growth tics, however it’s first growth stage takes two growth tics before it progresses to the mid stage.


Cotton Takes one of the longest times to grow, taking 5 growth tics before it’s ready to harvest, it will stay in the first two states for the two growth ticks each, before being ready to harvest.


Potatoes are the same as cotton with 5 tics, remaining in state one and state two, for two days each.


Spicy Pepper

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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