Ready or Not – Way Out West Achievement Guide

This achievement description is a little strange and doesn’t entirely give you the parameters you need to complete it. This guide is the method I used to get the achievement.

Guide to Way Out West Achievement


This can be done on either Commander or Practice mode. “Coyote” may have been the old name of the map, but the map you want to choose is now called Rust Belt (Costa Vino Border Reserve).

Though the achievement says to only use the .357 as your “weapon”, there’s some strange stipulations with what can be used to get the achievement unlocked. A.I. squad members can use whatever guns they like without ruining the run. However, there’s some reports that having them use equipment (flashes, C2, etc.) ruins the run, so avoid using those if possible. On your player character, bring your Magnum full of rounds and take away primary ammo as to not accidentally use it. I used a shield as well for the back protection, though some people say that taking it out and using it during the mission made it not unlock for them, so stick to having it on your back. Lastly I equipped the night vision goggles to make it easier to see in the tunnels, since the Magnum doesn’t have a flashlight attachment.


This achievement turns out to be a lot simpler than it may seem. During the entirety of the mission, only have the Magnum equipped and don’t switch off of it. Send your squad mates in to every room, avoiding the use of grenades or breaching tools if possible (again, varying accounts on if that affects it or not). They will be able to use their full arsenal without ruining your progress. If any suspects fire at you use the Magnum to take them down (it’s powerful enough to put most enemies down in one center-mass shot). Besides that, all you need to do is just walk behind your squad and let them do all of the heavy lifting. There isn’t a minimum grade requirement, but make sure you complete the hard objectives without killing civvies.

In short, command your men to clear all rooms, don’t use equipment, and complete the hard objectives and you’ll get it on your first run.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. I did this solo in a multiplayer “match” so I didn’t have to worry about AI teammates at all, and I also used NVGs. I completed the whole mission (well, technically at least. I got an E because I fired before warning), and this did NOT count for mission completion. I’m not sure whether it was because I got an E, or because I was using NVGs

    • nah blud u gotta do it in single, practice mode counts. multi doesnt give achievements. for ai just use move to command and they’ll be off ur back the whole mission. idk if nvg disqualifies

    • Completed with ballistic mask, only magnum ammo and AI teammates raining down god’s will with lethal weapons. Basically first try if it weren’t for dying out of carelessness on the first run, so second try really. Completed all objectives and collected all weapons.

  2. I played the level and didnt use any tactical or nades but I did order to kick doors and I didnt get the achievement. Does kicking doors count too?

    • I used kicks and got it, might be some strange hidden condition that you didn’t trigger. Give it another try, its really finicky

  3. let your AI do all/most of the work: and by that i mean let them use any guns, but dont use any breaching/grenades orders, just simply “open and clear”. you yourself will not use any shields/wands/pistols/grenades, etc. at all, just the .357. follow the AI clearing rooms and maybe shoot a guy to make sure you used your pistol 😀 the level itself isnt very difficult, so you should do it in a couple tries. good luck, commander!

    • it should (in theory). A lot of people say its bugged, and a couple of friends of mine tried to get the achievement together but it didn’t unlock with them using the method that I did.

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