Ghouls and You
- Ghouls eat only meat. Cannot do any work.
- Huge regeneration. Terrific expendable melee blockers.
- Can create a ghoul with 1 shard + biofferrite.
- Tough, Brawler, Nimble, and Jogger all apply. Use people with these traits and melee skill / passion.
- Genes do not apply.
- Ghouls regrow parts and heal nearly all things.
- Ghoulification cures all addictions even luciferium.
- Can be upgraded. Can be resurrected. Can be given serums.
Ghouls are tough melee fighters with great regeneration ability. Ghouls only eat meat and can permanently betray if they are starving. Cannot “tame” a hostile ghoul.
- Regenerate missing body parts and most ailments.
- Traits like Tough, Brawler and Jogger carry over to ghoul.
- Genes, like Strong Melee and Robust do not carry over.
- Ghouls can be zoned and drafted.
- Can use Implants to upgrade ghouls.
Any human can be ghoulified and become player controlled: colonist or prisoner. Cost 1 shard and 30 bioferrite.
Upgrades Include:
- Adrenal Heart: Temporary Speed.
- Corrosive Heart: Spit Attack.
- Metalblood Heart: Temporary Armor.
- Barbs: Melee Weapons.
- Plating: Armor.
Ghoul Resurrection Serum: Brings ghoul back to life.
Infographic by MortalSmurph.
If you get involved with the devil, the devil doesn’t change. The devil changes you.
Actually, this gets me thinking. Its already pretty easy to remove the legs from prisoners. What if you simply collected a large amount of legless prisoners, killed them, resurrected them with dead-life dust, and then easily captured the resulting legless zombies? I don’t actually know yet if zombies with no limbs can crawl around still, or if the “Freindly” zombies from most dead-life dust tool are captureable, but thanks for giving me the inspiration to commit even worse warcrimes than ever before!