RimWorld – Useful Tips and Tricks (Anomaly Expansion)

Gameplay Tips for New Players (Anomaly DLC)

  • Do not attune monolith before getting incinerator they help alot.
  • Monolith and Nociolith’s provide light.
  • Tip for these guys: shoot them a lot then sprint away, they’ll collapse once their rage runs out and you can capture or kill them.
  • Tip for the labyrinth obelisk: You can cheese it a bit by micromanaging. Set your pawn to go on a caravan. Load them up with a bedroll, food, medicine, a book for recreation, maybe some tea or ambrosia. Have them do both the study and the suppressing. When they’re done, cancel the caravan and they’ll unload their goods.
  • Quick / Important tip for anyone dealing with a revenant! They will hide inside your own structures! mine was hiding in the space between base walls. I got suspicious after not seeing anymore tracks and started EMP-nading the area and found it.
  • Pro tip: The sight stealers spawn more sight stealers if you dont kill them fast and that can cause a chain reaction where 1 becomes 5 and 5 becones 15.
  • Surgical Inspection is really wasted Meds on Duplicates.
  • Never, and I do mean NEVER build your containment facilities inside a cave. Bugs are bad enough, trust me, you don’t wanna know what happens when an infestations happens inside a containment room.
  • If you need to use multiple coolers, set one to -1, the next to -2, ect. That way when its not that hot the extra’s will be in a low power state, but they will power up during summer/heat waves.

Ghouls are forever hungry! How to feed Ghouls?

Ghouls will eat meat if it’s already cut up, but they won’t chow down on a raw corpse by themselves. Make sure you’ve got raw meat in the zones where your ghouls can get to it. In my game, I stock up so they don’t starve and I send them out to hunt safe animals, like rodents and ibex, that won’t freak out and attack back. Just check the wildlife tab to make sure the animals won’t go man hunter on you.

Also, set up your stockpile to keep a minimum amount of meat so your cooks will keep butchering. Just remember to hunt now and then.

Howto place the Electric inhibitor?

The highlighted part should just touch your platform, doesn’t matter how many tiles. It doesn’t work through walls.

Necro Curse book

The game categorizes book in 4 categories.

  1. Novels: Recreation only.
  2. Schematics: Unlocks normal technologies over time (The books says what tech it unlocks).
  3. Textbooks: Increases a skill (to a max level depending on its quality).
  4. Tomes: Unlocks Anomaly technologies over time, assuming that the Anomaly tech tab is unlocked, also causes mental breaks (The books say what tech it unlocks).

If the tech part is grey its not currently available, either because its already unlocked or because you don’t have access (To the anomaly tab for example). The book you are referring too is a Tome (unlocks anomaly tech, causes mental breaks). You can restrict what kind of books your pawns read in the Assign menu (reading policy).

How to deal with a revenant?

If you spot it, don’t rush in to attack. Instead, try to trap it by building walls around it. If you’ve got allies, call them in. They can take a hit or distract it while you move in. If you’re on your own, hit it hard while it’s trapped.

Revenants are actually not that tough. They’re fast and sneaky but if you stun them with psycasts, EMPs, crossbow bolts, or just smack them up close, you can take them down fast.

If you don’t have any good weapons, friends to help out, or serious firepower, then it’s probably game over for you, sorry to say.

What does keeping the Monolith from activating do?

Like other RimWorld DLCs, you get a unique thing showing up on your map. For the Anomaly DLC, it’s this big stone structure that falls from the sky. It won’t do anything until you send a colonist to check it out or turn it on.

Before you mess with the monolith, you can dodge most of the weird events except for three:

  1. Mindless shamblers show up and hang around for a bit before they drop dead.
  2. Cultists raid your base.
  3. A cultist decides to join your crew.

Once you activate the monolith, that’s when the real chaos starts. All sorts of creepy creatures begin to pop up and things get pretty wild.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. Once, I was lucky enough to have one of my pawns shoot a sight stealer in the spine, rendering it immobile. I’m glad I kept him, as he is free bioferrite.

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