RimWorld – Weapons Guide (Anomaly Expansion)

New Weapons


A heavy weapon that can spray a stream of flame into an area. It can shoot in an arc over allies without harming them. The flame burns off rapidly, so it will only ignite the most flammable targets.

While the main flamethrower can be used without limit, the weapon also comes equipped with a bioferrite-powered mega-burner unit which generates a massive blast of flame from a pressurized bioferrite charge. The mega-burner unit must be refueled after each use.

  • A heavy weapon can spray a stream of flame into an area.
  • Can shoot in an arc over allies without harming them.
  • The flame burns off rapidly, only ignites most flammable targets.
  • No limit on flamethrower use.
  • Has bioferrite-powered mega-burner for massive blast of flame.
  • The mega-burner unit must be refueled after each use.

Hellcat Rifle

A versatile assault rifle with good range, decent power, and good accuracy. It also comes equipped with a bioferrite-powered mini-burner unit which generates a blast of flame from pressurized bioferrite charges. The mini-burner unit can be used twice before refueling

Slightly worse than assault rifle. Especially in range. Range is key to ARs strength so even though damage potential is close the lack of range is a huge hit.

  • Comes equipped with bioferrite-powered mini-burner, generates blast of flame from pressurized bioferrite charges.
  • The mini-burner unit can be used twice before refueling.
  • Slightly worse than assault rifle. Especially in range.
  • Range is key to ARs strength so even though damage potential is close the lack of range is a huge hit.

Nerve Spiker / Crossbow

Stun crossbow. Low damage. Nerve spikers can be crafted at a bioferrite shaper.

Infographic by MortalSmurph.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. After much playing around i come to some realisation and idea. Can the following scenario/setup work?

    CL Panic Button Set to – that triggers during Prison Break
    BPC Alarm Button Set to + that triggers during raid/manhunt etc.

    Hitting + would make pawn change from normal clothes to armor sets (Outfit changes from Civillian to Combat) while States are set to Any. I think i have this pretty much working.

    I notice that the CL + BPC Integration on affects Vanila Outfit column, CE Loadout Column BUT NOT CL Loadout Column. Even if i had both Panic Button and Alarm Button set to the same key, the CL Loadout Column never changes to Panic State defined.

    If that behaviour is as designed, then potentially we can have 1 more state definable, BPC and CL each.

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