Stormgate – Basic Infernal Macro Opener Guide (Fast Tech)

This is purely what I’ve come up with over 60 games, currently I’m definitely not the best but I’d share what I’ve been having success with.

Basic Infernal Macro Opener to Fast Tech

Goals of this build

The main Goal of this is build is to be able to transition into higher Tech units ASAP while staying safe from early aggression and allowing you to creep. I personally try to get Miasma ASAP every game as it’s a fantastic zoning tool and can also completely turn around a fight with mass fiends if placed well. But this build allows you to go into Magmadons/Helborne as well.

  • 12 – Shrine, rally worker from main.
  • 12 – Take 2 workers from Luminite at 100 Luminite and send them to nat, build Conclave and Vault.
  • Go to 10 workers on Luminite, then rally to Therium until 4 workers.
  • Use Inject on nat as soon as it finishes.
  • Continous Gaunt and Brute production, with workers taking priority.
  • Creep and scout with Hexen + Brutes and Gaunts.
  • 100 Therium, T2 on main.
  • Take 3rd.

From here on it changes per Match-up:

Against Cel

  • 2 Conclave
  • 150 Therium build Ritual Chamber and get the Gaunt upgrade first, Hexen upgrades after.

First Hexen upgrade finishing start building them so they can gather energy, AFTER you start the Miasma upgrade. I usually get 5-6 Hexen.

I add Production as needed, Brutes are my main Frontline with Gaunts being the brunt of the dps and Hexen helping zone everything. You will eventually need to go into Weavers as Animancers with Storm absolutely destroy your army.

Against vng

I have managed to dodge all the vng players and have very limited experience in this matchup, sorry.

Scout if they’re going Lancers, Exo or mech.

Vs Lancers

  • 2 Vaults
  • 100 Therium build Shadowcleft, get Brute upgrade first.

If they leave you alone, Tech into Ritual Chamber and get to Miasma ASAP. Lancers cannot fight you.

Go into Magmadon when you can afford 5-6 Hexen and Miasma, Eventually you want to have a Brute/Magma/Hexen/Helborne army, though I usually win against Pure Lancer by the time I get Miasma.

Vs Exo

  • 2 Vaults
  • 100 Therium Helforge

Pump Brutes and Helborne, transition into Magmadons when you have the money.

Vs Mech

I have not really played against mech, I don’t really know, sorry.

Against Infernals

This build allowed me to get Magmadons out way before they could so I just auto-won those matches. Not much insight here yet.

Continous Scouting with Hexen Skull.

  • 2 Conclave
  • 100 Therium Shadowcleft, get Magmadon upgrade

If you can get Magmadons out with Upgrade before they do, go into their base and win. Otherwise Tech into Miasma and Push when you have it + 5-6 Hexen.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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