Quick Guide to Top Priority
New players may want to rf 1 copy of Unispark to unlock dragon asap. Paramara EX on floor 175 of fissure does give a copy for free to avoid this but it is a tough fight.
Magellan->5* max stamps
Time Machine Output
- Particle Collider-> 5* max stamps(in wish box set 3)
- Artificial Blackhole->awakened(in wish box set 5)
~Particle Collider->awakened[Extra production in farm and 1/3 of 16% time output resonance]
Museum Medal Stamps
- Homuwu Ding->5* max stamps(wish box set 2)
- Faust->5* max stamps(wish box set 2)
- Divine Comedy->5* max stamps
- Medal of Honor->5* max stamps(wish box set 2)
- Maya Slate->5* max stamps(wish box set 4)
- The Art of War->5* max stamps(wish box set 3)
- Phaistos Disc->5* max stamps
Gene Research Speed
- Double Helix DNA->awakened
- The Analects->awakened(wish box set 1)
Travel Speed
Now worth considering with how long rift is:
- Somersault Cloud->6 star(wish box set 3 and 5)
- Voyager 1->6 star(wish box set 1)
Btad Output
- Golden Wheat->awakened(wish box set 4)
- [Time Machine and Btad output with the best stamps for tad pond]
- Lotus Chalice->awakened(wish box set 3)
- [Good at 5* for stamps. Awaken for 16% time machine output resonance]
- Faust->awakened[Artificial Blackhole of btads]
Cloning Speed
Origin of Species->awakened[as a bonus you get a new partner] (wish box set 5)
Soul Offering Speed
- Homuwu Ding->awakened(wish box set 2)
- Prometheus Torch->awakened
- Trojan Horse->awakened
- Terracotta Soldier->awakened
- Science Magazine Vol 1->awakened
[Low priority but insanely good relic. In fact after all your cabins are at least blue I wouldnt use refine speedup until awakening this]
General Minion Boosting
- Atlantis Crystal->6*
- Orphic Egg->6*
Dragon Partner
- Soul Stone->awakened[I wouldnt consider this as a low spender/ftp as its a huge rf sink]
Lots of options. I personally rate the stuff closer to the top as higher priority. Museum medals could really fall anywhere depending on the person but I’d grab at least a few. Wish box is future content but relics in wish box will be easier to get outside of rf so take that into consideration.
If theres a 1./2./3. next to a relic its a priority in that category, normally that means its doing multiple things for your account. Stuff without numbers can be done in whatever order.
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