V Rising – Guide to Ancestral Weapons

Ancestral Weapons Guide

By Fallen.

List of Modifiers

Ancestral weapons, or legendaries, as most people call them are the true endgame of V Rising.

They open up new possible combos, balance the defensive abilities somewhat, help spell builds somewhat, and allow you to truly bully those who reached endgame slower than you did.


  • +[24 – 48] Max Health
  • +[6 – 12%] Physical Resistance
  • +[6 – 12%] Physical Critical Strike Chance
  • +[10- 20%] Physical Critical Strike Damage
  • +[5 – 10%] Weapon Attack Speed
  • +[3 – 6] Spell Power
  • +[3 – 6%] Spell Life Leech
  • +[6 – 12%] Spell Critical Strike Chance
  • +[10- 20%] Spell Critical Strike Damage
  • +[4 – 6%] Movement Speed
  • +[12 – 19%] Resource Yield


  • +[24 – 38] Max Health
  • +[6 – 10%] Physical Resistance
  • +[6 – 10%] Physical Critical Strike Chance
  • +[10- 16%] Physical Critical Strike Damage
  • +[5 – 8%] Weapon Attack Speed
  • +[3 – 5] Spell Power
  • +[3 – 5%] Spell Life Leech
  • +[6 – 10%] Spell Critical Strike Chance
  • +[10- 16%] Spell Critical Strike Damage
  • +[4 – 8%] Movement Speed
  • +[12 – 24%] Resource Yield

But what legendaries are optimal?

I will mostly be focusing on the Legendary Ancestral weapons as the blue, or rare, variants really aren’t worth it. Still, if you feel the need to trivialize pve even more, you can still use this as a guide, just forego one of the modifiers.

Slashers: Preferably either Weaken or Condemn on the Q as they will empower the already powerful iframe the most. Condemn is always going to be strong since it’s simply more damage, but weaken has good use, especially if you only use iframes when you’re in trouble, as it will reduce the damage dealt by anyone hit by 15%.

For modifiers you want Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and movement speed. Movement speed is especially very important as it coordinates with Slasher E.

Spear: Static or Condemn are really your only options. Static is going to be stronger for pretty much the entire game, but when you max physical power with rage potions + shards + legendaries condemn actually surpasses it. Nonetheless, if your build has a way of applying either condemn or static then you want your spear to have the effect you can’t apply, as you can then stack them for some truly ridiculous damage.

Spear is probably the most strict with what modifiers work, as it’s really important to maximize the damage of your Q ability.

You most likely want: Physical critical strike chance, physcal critical strike damage, and probably attack speed since you’ll be using it to poke. Physical resistance is never a bad, however, and neither is max health or movement speed, but you really want the first two.

Axes: Probably Static or Condemn due to the increased attack speed after using the Q ability, but it doesn’t really matter as you won’t be using it a lot. Weaken can also be useful as you’ll prevent them from punishing your auto attack spam with damage, though you’ll still need to look out for counters and the like.

At this point you’re probably noticing a pattern. Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and a filler modifier is really the norm here, consider attack speed if you don’t swap to gs after using the q.

Sword: Another ability which really needs static. Due to the number of attacks, a Static infusion really helps sword Q.

For infusions it’s the regular Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and a filler ability. Consider movement speed though, as it has good synergy with the increased movement speed from the Q ability.

Reaper: Probably the least important infusion. You’ll mostly use reaper q to get people away from you, and for combos with Power Surge recasting. As such it doesn’t really matter what infusion you choose, though if you’re running Surge you probably don’t want Ignite. Even chill has its place here since it can stack with the snare, but consider weaken as well, so that they can’t pistol trade you directly afterwards.

Note: Since there’s a bug allowing it to go through barriers using reaper q for damage is a lot more viable and you probably just want condemn and full phys stuff.

Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and something else works fine here as well, but reaper is probably your best option for a “Spell weapon.” I.e, a weapon you swap to when casting spells.

If your build deals damage using spells, then you probably want a weapon with Spell critical strike chance, spell critical strike damage, and spell power. But if it doesn’t rely on spells for damage and instead only for shields or the like, then just the spell power increase should be enough. Keep in mind that the Pistol E bomb explosion actually scales with spell power and spell critical hit chance and damage- so try to swap when it blows up.

Reaper can also work for a defensive weapon which you swap to when taking heavy damage, such as during a spear q. For that you probably want Max Health, Physical Resistance, and something else. If you only need increased Spell power then put that here.

Greatsword: Get that Condemn for a guaranteed high-powered primary attack after the Q ability. Condemn is probably BIS (best in slot) here, but if you run Phantom Aegis with the “Consume weaken to inflict fear” then you really want weaken here to combo it into the fear.

Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and something else, probably attack speed for some nice primary attack DPS.

Crossbow: I said that the least important infusion was reaper? I take that back, here you have it. It doesn’t really matter, consider ignite so that you can keep pressure on from afar- but you really shouldn’t be doing that outside of raiding. Weaken can be good to prevent them from engaging, condemn can be good to let you engage.

Ignite is really good against golems though, so that’s probably your best bet.

Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and something else- maybe Spell power here.

Pistols: You shouldn’t be using pistol Q a lot since it’s pretty bad- but it’s the same as for spear Q (static).

Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and attack speed are BIS here. Especially attack speed is important as pistols have the highest combo DPS in the game.

Mace: Same as Greatsword, condemn. Weaken is less viable here due to the lack of a fear combo- but it’s never bad with a snare.

Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and… something else- how original.


Physical critical strike chance, physical critical strike damage, and something else are almost always the best modifiers.

Static for q abilities that do many different instances of damage, like spear q or pistol q, condemn for anything that doesn’t or if you have insanely high physical power.

If you have a way of applying either condemn or static for the multi-instance Qs (with spells or the like) then take the effect you can’t apply to combo them.

Consider having a defensive weapon with Physical resistance, Max Health, and something else. If you deal damage with spells then you also want a weapon with Spell critical strike chance, spell critical strike damage, and spell power. If you only use spell power for something like a shield, then just increased spell power should be enough.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 4637 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. you need to hunt for merciless copper weapon recipes to get iron but the iron crossbow is guaranteed to appear.

    even if you can make iron weapons you can’t mine iron ore without merciless weapons. so you can either get 52 iron bars to get an iron weapon or 15 iron bars to make a crossbow and get iron ore.

    basically you either hunt for random recipe or make a guaranteed iron crossbow.

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