[Top 5] War Thunder Best Nations for Tanks
#5 Great Britain (Best for Experienced Players)
What Great Britain excels in:
+ Supporting other players
+ Sucking up a lot of damage
+ Securing strategic points.
Pick this nation if you like:
+ Different playstyles to work with
+ A good challenge for low and mid-tier matches
+ A large number of vehicles to research and play with
Nation Overall Tank Score: 75/100
#4 Sweden (Best for DefensiveRoles)
What Sweden excels in:
+ Defensive doctrine
+ Hit-and-run tactics
+ Harassing heavier enemy tanks
Pick this nation if you like:
+ Playing on the defensive
+ Very singular designs
+ Fast, lightly armored vehicles
Nation Overall Tank Score: 77/100
#3 Germany (Best for Heavy Tanks and High-caliber Cannons)
What Germany excels in:
+ One-hitting enemy tanks
+ Switching up playstyles when needed
+ Dealing with heavier enemy tanks
Pick this nation if you like:
+ High-caliber guns;
+ Heavy Armor;
+ Methodical Gameplay.
Nation Overall Tank Score: 90/100
#2 USSR/Russia (Best for Fast, Well Armored Heavy-hitting Tanks)
What the USSR excels in:
+ Flanking the enemy
+ Capturing points
+ Diverse line-ups
Pick this nation if you like:
+ Fast, reliable tanks
+ Powerful guns
+ Aggressive playstyles
Nation Overall Tank Score: 95/100
#1 USA (Best for Balanced, Powerful Tanks)
What the USA excels in:
+ Solid line-ups
+ Flanking the enemy
+ Resisting frontal attacks
Pick this nation if you like:
+ Powerful main battle tanks
+ Fast and agile vehicles
+ Lots of Shermans
Nation Overall Tank Score: 98/100
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