The Mightiest Governor is a big and important event, the event is split into 6 stages, and each stage is 24 hours long, in each stage points are acquired in a specific way to that stage, and rewards are distributed based on the points acquired.
Guide to the Mightiest Governor Event
By kaity
The rewards are split into 3 types:
- Rewards by reaching a specific number of points for each stage (day).
- Rewards based on the ranking during each stage, the rewards are distributed daily after the stage ends.
- Rewards based on the sum of the points across all stages, the rewards are distributed at the end of the event, this is the most important one for people pushing during the event.
The heroes available in MGE e at the moment:
- Justinian and Ashoka, Ashoka needs higher ranks.
- Julius Caeser and Ram Khamhaeng, Ram needs higher ranks.
The stages in short are as follows:
- 1st stage: Defeat tribes
- 2nd stage: This includes multiple ones:
- Use epic or legendary medals
- Use epic or legendary advancement skill item
- Craft pieces of gear
- Use skills points
- 3rd stage: Gather resources, and spin the wheel in a legendary Advent event
- 4th stage: Upgrade signet rings, and consume building or research speed ups
- 5th stage: Train troops
- 6th stage: Increase building, research, or troop power
The 7th stage spin the wheel in a legendary advent event, defeats tribes gather resources, increase building, technology and training power all these give the same points as the previous stages, use epic or legendary advancement skill item but this one gives half the points!
Preparatory stage
Saving: this means not consuming all the resources and items we have before this event if we plan to take part in it.
What we need to save will be the following:
- Stamina.
- Hero stuff this includes the medals, advance skill items, and skill points (please note hero exp is not included in this).
- Signet rings don’t upgrade them if possible.
- For gear crafting save crafting speed ups.
- Training building and research speed-ups.
- If the legendary advent event is running try to use the main bulk of your spins during its specific stage.
- Save limited time assignments (will be explained ahead).
Start a long building or research technology, make sure it lasts until the 6th day of the event
What to do during the event
On the first day make sure to defeat the highest tribe event and use the stored stamina and remember to use temporary reset:

- In the 2nd stage: There isn’t much to mention, consume your stuff.
- In the 3rd stage: One of the common tricks is to send your troops to gather before the start of this stage, then send the troops to a station somewhere (ally castle, city, or tower) instead of recalling it to your castle, remember that 1 lineup is enough to hit tribes, so use the others to gather and recall them during the stage.
- In the 4th stage: Use your building and technology speed-ups here, make sure you don’t finish the upgrade with the speed-ups leave less than two days so the actual upgrade finishes on the 6th day.
Each type of troop has this kind of ability, make sure to train a bigger wave of troops before the 5th stage, so the training finishes on the 5th day and claim the troops for slightly more points.

In the 6th stage not much can be said just click harder while training troops, consider using titles that buff the building/research/ training during the 5th and 6th stages
During 7th stage use the same trick as the 1st and 3rd stages.
Ss of the event for who are looking for it:

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