Bounty and Commissions
What is Bounty?
Bounty is a feature where you catch wanted criminals who have committed serious crimes according to the General Student Council’s rules.
- Check out [Tasks] → [Bounty] at the main lobby to play the feature.
Each stage will require a ticket to use. you’ll get material necessary for skill growth when you clear a stage.
*Bounty is unlocked after clearing Mission 3-1 Normal.
Tip 1! Bounty Tickets are recharged every day at 4:00 AM.
Tip 2! The Academy Buff will be activated depending on the students used on each stage, making your unit stronger.
Academy Buff info can be found on top left screen before you enter the Bounty stage.
Tip 3! Bounty Tickets will be returned upon failure/forfeit.
Tip 4! You must complete all missions with 3 stars to unlock the ability to Sweep.

What Bounty rewards are available for each different stage?
- 1) Overpass – You can obtain materials required for EX Skill Growth such as Tactical Training Blu-rays.
- 2) Desert Railroad – You can obtain materials required for Student Skill Growth such as Tech Notes.
- 3) Classroom – You can obtain materials for various growth such as Artifacts.
Tip 1! The terrains for each stages are Overpass – Urban Warfare, Desert Railroad – Field Warfare, and Classroom – Indoor Warfare.

What are Commissions?
Commissions come in the form of Base Defense and Item Retrieval, and you can obtain Activity Reports and Credit Points used for increasing student levels by complete Commissions.
*Commissions are unlocked after clearing Mission 1-4 Normal.
- 1) Base Defense: You must defend against a large quantity of enemies, and you can obtain Activity Reports used for increasing students’ levels.
- 2) Item Retrieval: You must retrieve a certain amount of currency that’s been stolen by enemies, and you can obtain Credit Points when you clear.
Tip 1! Each stage’s terrain is Base Defense – Indoor Warfare, Item Retrieval – Urban Warfare.
Tip 2! You must complete all missions with 3 stars to unlock the ability to Sweep.

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