Here you can find all tailor’s quests with descriptions, requirements, rewards and tips.
Guide to All Tailor Quests
Keep It Professional
Creative Space
- Completion Requirement: Kill 1 Demon Berserker, Kill 2 Demon Bats, Kill 3 Skeleton Mages
- Quest Reward: 75 Gold, 3 Silver Powder, 1 Ornate jazerant, 50 Exp, 25 Affinity
Go to Inferno in Normal lobbies to kill Berserker and Bats more easily and Goblin caves has multiple Skeleton Mage spawns so go there for them.
Quest is working fine.
Quid Pro Quo
- Completion Requirement: Turn in 1 Copperlight Attire, 1 Copperlight Pants
- Quest Reward: 75 Gold, Shoes of Darkness, Frost Amulet, 25 Exp
If you want to cough up the coin you can buy the items to finish this quest.
You can mine copper powder on goblin caves. When you complete the previous quest, wait for the merchant to reset so you can now service to craft the items needed.
Quest is working fine.
Sewn in Secrecy
- Completion Requirement: Dungeon type: The Howling Crypt, Explore the ‘Blood Platforms’ location
- Quest Reward: 75 Gold, 1 Rubysilver Vestment, 50 Exp, 25 Affinity
Camp Red static stairs to get down to Inferno more safely and being in Normal lobbies helps.
Quest is working fine.
Somewhat Impressed
Elegance in Execution
- Completion Requirement: Kill 5 Bards, Kill 5 Rangers
- Quest Reward: 125 Gold, Hand Crossbow, Lute, 200 Exp
Play normal mode to track if you get the kill or not. Kills on players are not shared across the team for the quest.
Quest is working fine
Tailored Wellness
- Completion Requirement: Goblin Caves; Interact with 6 Shrines of Health
- Quest Reward: 125 Gold Coin, 1 Ring of Vitality, 1 Chaperon, 175 Experience
No special tips here, just keep in mind if you use the same Shrine of Health in the same match, it will only count once, so try to hit as many different Shrines of Health you can. All modules with a Blue Circle have a chance of being a Shrine of Health, and can also spawn as different shrines.
It only counts your first interact with a health shrine, per run. I’m unsure if this is intentionally done, but it is annoying you have to do six separate runs when you can interact with it that many times in a single run.

Sprucing Up
- Completion Requirement: Turn in Looted Items: 3 Enchanted Dark Fabric, 8 Old Cloth, 1 Spider Silk
- Quest Reward: 125 Gold Coin, Mystic Vestments, Cloak of Darkness, 200 Experience, 25 Affinity
Giant Spiders in Goblin Caves are the only mobs to drop Spider Silk, Enchanted Dark Fabric drop most often from Skeleton Mages, and Old Cloth drop most commonly from any undead monster.
Quest is working fine
Cold Shoulder
- Completion Requirement: Survive Ice Caverns dungeon (20x)
- Quest Reward: 200 Unique Gold Coin, 1 Epic Runestone Gloves, 1 Epic Heavy Gauntlets, 350 Experience, 25 Affinity
Murmurs Among The Aristocracy
- Completion Requirement: Kill Wendigo (10x), Kill Frost Giant Berserker (5x), Kill Frost Giant Shielder (5x)
- Quest Reward: 200 Unique Gold Coin, 1 Legend Mercurial Cloak, 1 Legend Radiant Cloak, 300 Experience
Infiltrating With Accessories
- Completion Requirement: Fetch Wendigo’s Sharp Claws (6x), Fetch Glowing Blue Ice Eyes (6x)
- Quest Reward: 200 Unique Gold Coin, 1 Legend Wind Locket, 1 Legend Torq of Soul, 1000 Experience, 50 Affinity
Requested Items by Merchants
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