Dungeonborne – Druid Beginner’s Guide

Beginner’s Guide for Druid Class

By Mentelcenakin.

So I have looked up guides for druid to learn from and found a few things that I belive isn’t enough for anyone to understand the game. I absolutely love druid and I am currently one – tricking druid.

Druid is a heavily slept on just because its complicated. As a druid otp I will be teaching you how to play and precaitions for diffirent classes and playstyles.

Lets begin with what is the druid. Druid is a class with elf passive. So it makes looting and agroing bosses so much easy.

Let’s Learn Druid’s Skills:

  • His Q ability makes you switch between panther form and human form. In human form you can interract with envoriment cast spells and you gain access to your 1st E skill. Which is summoning a tree that deals shadow damage to enemies and shields you.
  • When you press q in human form you will get to panther form. In panther form you will gain a enormous speed buff and your auto attacks will be replenished by claw attacks which deals shadow damage. And you will gain acces to your 2nd e ability. Which makes you jump and slam to the ground. You deal damage to enemies whose close to you. Whats important is your 2nd E ability (dash n slam) makes your tree attack again resetting trees attack window. And that is our most basic combo leave a tree from distance and wait until it attacks then use your panther form E ability and make tree hit them again.

Druid is not your typical mage. It is stronger than mages in close combat and far weaker than melee range compared to classes such as fighter or Dk. I split druid playstyle to 3.

1) Against Mages:

You should get close to mages with your panther form. Surprise attack them if you can. Your dexterity passive basically gives you wall hack, so Druid is the easiest class to surprise attack. If you are in an open area, just zigzag and sometimes jump in panther form. Once you are in range, go to human form and leave a tree behind the mage. Most mages will be so busy trying to kite you that they will most probably not notice the tree. Once the tree slaps the mage, just pounce on them. Your pound will deal reasonable damage, and your tree will also attack again, which actually comes to about 500 damage or so. Then just auto-attack in your panther form to end them and try to hit their head as much as possible.

2) Against DK or Fighter:

Against these classes, you want to keep your distance just like a mage. Druid makes it easier to keep your range with its panther form and E ability. Basically, place a tree in front of them. Let it hit them and go to human form for emptying your staves and orb charged attacks. In case DK pulls you or fighter uses dash, you have a shield from the tree hitting the enemy, so you can react in time to be a panther and dash away and repeat. Just be careful you are not running out of mana as you can’t reset it with a mana potion. Just claw some enemies while running from DK or Fighter. You are so much faster and they can’t catch you.

3) Against Rogue:

You can sense players with your dexterity passive up to 35 meters, which means you see them through walls. It works wonders against rogues. But our main problem is when a rogue enters stealth, we can’t see them. So what will we do? We will take initiative and strike first with our tree to leap combo, which is most likely to leave the rogue with around 100-200 HP. Then you can finish them with your fire staff. If you can’t finish, you can chase the rogue with your panther form. If you can’t take the first strike, just avoid the rogue entirely. Don’t forget that you have wall hack, and with a little bit of map knowledge, you can avoid pretty much anyone. But in case a rogue walks into your tree, just leap on them and finish them.

In the remaining portion, we will be talking about how to build with Druid.

Druid greatly benefits from Will and Dexterity stats since his main combo is the Tree Pounce combo, and it deals ability damage. Since the Druid class uses leather armor, it has a significant crit damage chance.

I suggest getting the Intelligence 1st passive, which lowers the cooldown of the tree, and then going for Dexterity and Will from there.

At level 20 with heirlooms (chestplate with Dexterity attachment, fire staff, and Dexterity necklace with Intelligence attachment), you can unlock the 1st Intelligence passive (reduces CD of tree) and your Dexterity passive, which is basically a legal wallhack. With further equipment, I would strongly suggest unlocking your Will passive, which makes your tree ability stack up to 2 trees. This is especially required against DK in case he pulls you.


Druid is a good zoning-diving hybrid class that offers a lot of utility. It is the ideal scout class with the fastest speed and wallhack it has, and doesn’t fall short in fights with its decent damage and ability to kite so effectively. It is worth playing, in my opinion, and in the right hands has no counter play to it.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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