Dungeonborne – How to Count and Increase Damage

Damage Counting Explained

The Damage Formula

The formula for pretty much everything is:

  • 0.3 * Weapon Damage * Damage% * Typed Damage% * etc…

Each relevant multiplier is multiplied together instead of additively.

Crits do affect heals.

As a note: if you have a choice between multiple bonuses like +Weapon Damage or Damage% or whatever pick the one which you currently have the least of, relatively.


  • If you have 10% Damage.
  • And 50% Holy Damage.

And you have the option of 2.5% Damage or 2.5% Holy Damage, pick the regular Damage %. Because they multiply together the smaller bonus is being increased more by the other larger bonus. Increase your smaller modifiers first.

You want the largest relative increase of your smaller stat.

  • +8 Weapon Damage to 150 Weapon Damage = 158/150 = 5.3% relative increase.
  • +2.5% Damage to +10% Damage = 112.5/110 = 2.3% relative increase.

This makes the +8 Weapon Damage twice as powerful in that context.

PLUS Weapon Damage affects everything (attacks and skills).

Oh and weapon level is another multiplier which is about 2.5% per weapon level.

Highest and Lower Tiers

If you’re running the highest tier heirloom staves then Increased Damage Stacks on Kill is still the best option up to like 12 stacks just because the increase is so large.

That’s three heirlooms with it.

However past that point getting +8 Weapon Damage can be more valuable (like if you have Increased Damage Stacks on Kill from other items or direct increases to Damage %).

If you’re running lower tiers like green and blue then +8 Weapon Damage is more valuable before that at like 8 stacks.

Obviously in Arena/Clothos you don’t just get free kills so this is a different story.

Theoretically penetration is the strongest damage stat across the board, but it currently does not work properly.

Currently it acts like Typed Damage % of the relevant type, where it just kind of adds onto whatever relevant type. However, even in this circumstance the number is larger than the normal Typed Damage % modifier lol. (6.4% > 5.4% obviously).

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4312 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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