Pizza Tower – How to Unlock All Skins (The Noise Update)

How to Unlock Every New Noise Skin

Skin 1

Use the steamroller (Up+A on controller) and then attack.

Skin 2

Kill four enemies with a tornado attack. (I recommend the blood sauce dungeon).

Skin 3

Taunt the exit door 10 times with a P rank.

Skin 4

Complete “John Gutter” with a D rank in under 4 minutes.

Skin 5

Get the final rating of “Slow down nerd”. (To get it you have to finish the game in 2 hours or less).

Skin 6

Spend the extra money on the noisette piggy bank on the fifth floor.

Skin 7

Breakdance on Doise’s body in the final boss.

Skin 8

Complete gmome forest without killing a noisy goblin.

Skin 9

Break your record for the fastest game you played with peppino. (It’s done in the noise game if I didn’t explain myself well).

Skin 10

Breakdance for 10 seconds on any boss.

Skin 11

Touch a banana 10 times in any level.

Skin 12

Get a 50 combo before Pizza time. (I recommend Pizzascape).

Skin 13

Complete a level after pizzaface has appeared.

Skin 14

Touch all space olives in deep dish 9.

Skin 15

Get kicked by all the desert oregano cows.

Skin 16

Talk to all the npcs in the hub.

Skin 17

Find a pizza tower guy in all levels. (Reach x parts of the level in less than 60 seconds).

Skin 18

Defeat all the bosses WITHOUT using bombs (use the spinning attack, it can be any rank and they give you a skin for each boss defeated with this condition).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


    • Yes, just try to be as fast as possible in one level and if the timer goes above 1:00 and you haven’t found ptg restart the level or just search up a video

  1. you can use swap mode for the boss outfits and play as peppino instead of noise and it will give you the outfits lol

  2. I figured it out, you need to do the crusher and side spin combo a few times in a row while airborne.

  3. you can easily stunlock the vigilante after his first attack by chucking a couple bombs into the corner he’s gonna pop up next, only attack he can pull while doing this is the ghost which can just be parried while he’s down or smth

  4. you could just use different methods of attacking like in the swap mode you could just use peppino

  5. Just a comment, the costumes you get by defeating the bosses without bombs, isn’t actually done that way, you gotta hit with every bomb you throw, without missing any

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