Rough locations of all 10 missing pages.
Other KC:D Guides:
- Ancient / Treasure Map Guide.
- Console Commands (Cheat Codes).
- All Item Commands.
- Belladonna Farm Location (Herb Guide).
- Alchemy and Herbalism Guide.
Scattered Pages Locations
Square Hallway: 1 Scroll
- Inside an easy locked cabinet.
Dormitory: 2 Scrolls
- One’s inside an easy locked chest the other is on top of a chest.
Cellar: 1 Scroll
- On the table as you enter the main cellar room.
Fratery: 2 Scrolls
- On top of a podium in the main room then moving to the alchemy room it’s on the table.
Dining Hall: 1 Scroll
- Near the kitchen door in a easy locked chest.
Library: 2 Scrolls
- One’s in an easy locked chest while the other is on a table.
Abbot’s Bedroom: 1 Scroll
- Behind the bed on a table.
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