This is a Rank 8 Mastery Test Guide.
Other Warframe Guides:
- All Warframe Parts and Where to Get Them.
- Plains Of Eidolon Resource Farming Locations.
- Somachord Fragment Locations (The Sacrifice).
- Secret on the Plains of Eidolon (Grineer Excavation Camp).
- Cetus Wisp Guide.
Rank 8 Mastery Test Guide
Do your best. Jump at the peak of the previous jump. Dont run off the edge. Remember to start at the Back of the Platform.
- First platform: single jump, then ctlr-jump 60-70 degrees.
- Second platform: double jump only.
- Third platform: single, then ctlr-jump 45 degrees.
- Fourth platfrom: single from crouch ctlr-jump 45 degrees.
- Fifth platform: jump, ctlr-jump 45 degrees, wall jumps. Remember to let go of space then reengage the button.
- Sixth platfrom: single jump.
- Seventh platorm: jump, ctlr-jump 30 degrees.
- Eighth platform: jump, ctlr-jump 45 degrees.
to what is ctrl mapped to ?
what do you mean with ‘wall jump’ ? Which buttons (and I mean the function they are mapped to)