Warframe – Secret on the Plains of Eidolon (Grineer Excavation Camp)

Grineer Excavation Camp

This is a fast guide to show where the Grineer Excavation Camp is and the hidden thing related to it.

I have not seen anyone talk about this. I have not seen anything about it on the internet. When I talk about it, people say I am not telling the truth. No one has checked if I am telling the truth by seeing it in the game with me. So, I made this guide. This should show I am telling the truth. I hope it gets people interested in finding more hidden things like this. I want to know more about them.

What is it exactly?

There is a Grineer Camp on the plains which has a mapping computer located inside it. Whenever you use the computer it will “detect” buried treasure (up to 3 actual buried locations) and send a fly bomb drone out to blow open the pit and unearth the goods.

The rewards for doing this are extremely minor. Its more or less just something neat and hidden to see. You only get some ferrite, grokdrul, and the like. Just common plains materials.

Where and how to do this?

  • 1 – Go to the Grineer Excavation Camp located the East of the Cetus entrance. It’s near the Hillside ruins as shown here.

  • 2 – At this camp there will be area’s that are covered up with dirt, like so…

There are 3 of these locations in total as shown by my (blue circle) location on the map in these screenshots…

  • 3 – There is a small outpost as the central point of the camp. Inside it there is a big computer table with a map and a useable terminal. it shows the area of the camp.

  • 4 – When you use the terminal attached to the map computer you’ll active these snazzy Grineer “thumpers” which will thump the ground and attempt to “detect” the location of a treasure.

Bask in the mighty presence of the thumper!

If an unearthed treasure is located then one of the 5 red & black bomb drones located on the ceiling will be dispatched to blow the dirt clean off of it.

Behold the glorious bomb drones! Sadly, they can’t be scanned for the codex. They can however be destroyed so be careful not to blow them up or they can’t blow open your buried treasure!

  • 5 – So… you used the computer map terminal and the thumpers did their thumping?

Oh look! It found something as indicated by the white circle now blinking on the previously empty map! Now a bomb drone heads out…

  • 6 – The bomb drone happily makes its way to the indicated area. Its excited to get to work on its first day on the job!

  • 7 – Its first day ends in a horrible explosive death as it unearths meager amounts of supplies and some snazzy looking ancient bones. But its death will go a long way in proving I’m not a liar…

  • 8 – There are only a total of 3 buried spots that can be excavated via explosive drone as shown on this map…

Everytime the computer is used and the ground thumped it will “ping” one of these 3 locations at random. It may take several attempts to get it to ping all of them.

Note: While there are 5 drones there still appears to only be 3 “diggable” areas. I’m guess the others are just there incase of accidental premature explosive deaths.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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