No Man’s Sky – Tips on Searching for Ships

How to Search Ships

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Some information that might help you in your search, if you’re averse to simply spamming “Emergency” maps purchased with Navigation Data from the cartographer vendors on space stations:

Crashed ships are considered “buildings” by the game.

Buildings tend to be close to a north-south line, due to something in the procedural generation algorithms.

This means you can fly around until you find a building (any building), then fly directly north or south from there and find another one in short order.

There are two kinds of crashed ship “encounters”; one with a pilot (in which case you cannot acquire the crashed ship), and one with a broken comm ball behind and to the left of the crashed ship (which can be claimed).

It is my understanding that there are roughly the same number of buildings on each planet, so if you’re looking for more finding per investment of time and effort, search on smaller planets.

Some information regarding “Emergency” maps purchased from space station vendors:

There are only 5 kinds of “emergency” that can be found with “Emergency” maps:

  • Distress Signal: Crashed ship (with pilot).
  • Distress Signal: Crashed ship (no pilot).
  • Crashed Freighter.
  • Abandoned Building.
  • Observatory.

You cannot have more than one of a specific “type” marked at a time.

You can use a map when you already have a marker for other sites the map can find.

This means you can “cheat” by purchasing a stack of maps, and using it from your inventory until you have all 5 types marked… then go do the one you want to, and use another map; this results in another of the same type being found.

You will occasionally find that the map has marked the site you’re already at; this merely means you need to swap planets to continue finding those types of sites. Go to space, use a map, find the new site… then you can begin cycling again.

I use this method to find lots of crashed freighters, one after another… it’s an easy way to stock up on Salvaged Frigate Modules.

Important notes

If you are looking for crashed ships, use the Signal Booster on dead, abandoned, or exotic planets, since they have very few structures, and usually have two crash sites (one empty, the other with a ship).

On planets with a lot of buildings, Transmission Towers have a puzzle to solve that then locates crashed ships or freighters.

Also the Nautilon and Minotaur can be equipped with scanners that can find distress signals, with the first have ships and freighters as separate options, the other works like the Transmission Towers I mentioned above just with out the puzzle.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7607 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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