Tarisland – Phantom Necromancer Guide (How to Heal)

This guide is meant to answer some questions people have about Necro Healing and just general MMO recommendations so you can become a better healer.


By Tree._.

To note, this guide will mainly be focused on PvE content for Dungeons and Raids. It will help to understand your spells and abilities for PvP gameplay but that will not be the main focus of this guide.


  • CD = Cooldown
  • DF = Datura Flower
  • SH = Soul Herb
  • Sd = Souldraw
  • TS = Tainted Soul
  • SL = Soul Link
  • BS = Burning Soul
  • SoD = Soul Dance
  • CP = Core Passive (Talent tree)
  • Ult = Ultimate
  • DMG = Damage
  • HP = Health Points
  • HOT = Heal over Time
  • DOT = Damage over Time
  • Window = Duration of a buff or spell (example: Soul Link duration on the party member)
  • Aggro = Mob Aggression, person being targeted by boss/mobs.

General UI Tips

Improve your UI (More for the PC side, I haven’t played the mobile version yet) This applies to all healers.

Move the Party frame and Important Target area (Helps when healing NPCs like Lorne) closer to the middle of the screen. This could be to the left or right of your character, or below your character. Just have it near the center of the screen by your character.

  • You want to be able to see everyone’s health easily without having to look at the top left of your screen. This also means you have less time to move your mouse to the people to heal.

I also move my Action bar (spells) up from the bottom of the screen to just under my character. This is so I can see when my spells are off CD without having to take my eyes off my character.

Have the Target Area (enemy) and DBM Area at spots where you can see them too. This helps for when the boss is casting an AOE spell so you know when you prepare healing.

An example of what this could look like is below:

  • You can see my party/raid frames are right to the left of my character.
  • The important target area is immediately to the left so I can focus on those targets.
  • My Spells are just below my character so I can see their CD’s.
  • And just below that is my Inscribed Skill bar.

This doesn’t have to be the way you do it, and I am still working on the position for mine to make it work as I learn more about what is important to watch, but as an example of how to improve your vision and where to be looking.

Vitality and Datura Flowers

Before we get into the spells, I’ll go over Vitality and Datura Flowers.


  • This is the resource used to build up your Datura Flowers
  • There are multiple spells that provide Vitality, but just know that using spells is how you gain Vitality.
  • Every 10 Vitality you obtain will create 1 Datura Flower (you can see it lit up in the above screenshot)

Datura Flowers:

  • Datura Flowers is the resource required to use your Soul Link ability.
  • You do not need to fill up all 4 of the Datura Flowers each time, using Soul Link with only 1-3 flowers is still viable if you need immediate healing. Best practice is to aim to have all 4 as often as possible though.
  • Once all 4 of the Datura Flowers are lit up, your Soul Link spell will attach to more party members, and cause your Soul Herb to change into Soul Blossom (described below in the Spell Section).
  • This is your main resource spender for AOE healing and is the strongest spell for mass AOE outside of Soul Dance which is our major CD.

Spells and Skills

Spells and when to use them:

(This portion will be based on level 34+ content for raids and higher elite dungeons and will be with the assumption that you have certain talents. If you are below level 34 or don’t use the talent that is listed then the overall idea for when to use the skill still applies but might have a higher or lesser priority.)

I will be going over the Core Passive Talents and benefits in a different section. They play a part with your spells but this section will be the baseline of what the spells do and how certain talents can buff them further.

  • Accessed through Development > Skill [default key = K]

Soul Herb / Soul Blossom

  • This is your Filler spell, if Soul Draw and Tainted Soul are on CD then you use this to heal.
  • It can be useful to not use Soul Herb if there is no damage going out since it stacks in healing up to 3 times. Don’t rely on the stack effect if the party member is low and needs healing, the stacks should be mostly ignored unless you don’t have any healing at the moment or you have a Soul Blossom proc and AOE damage is about to go out.
  • You will use this to DPS the boss when there is no healing to do as well.
  • Once you unlock the Renewal Core Passive in your talents, Soul Herb turns into Soul Blossom after obtaining 4 DF and will be an AOE heal. Try to hold this for when 2 or more party members are taking DMG but don’t feel like you have to hold it if one party member is low and your other spells are on CD.

Soul Draw

Use this on CD. Provides 3 Vitality for DF resource building. It’s best to use SD after Tainted Soul to assist with healing up the DOT damage from TS, as well this works with the Vilebloom talent if you take it. See Tainted Soul spell below.

  • There is no AOE healing from this with Soul Link. Don’t prioritize SD during your Soul Link healing window.
  • Soul draw heals based on the amount of damage that is dealt to the enemies. So you select the party member, press Soul Draw, you’ll see damage go out, then it heals the target you selected.
  • If you take the Firmness talent, it also provides a shield to the target for X% of you ATK.
  • Taking the Souldraw+ talent increases the DMG of the spell as well as Lifesteal.

As far as I can tell there is no description of what Lifesteal does at the moment. I’m not sure if it means more lifesteal to the party member you use SD on, or if it means lifesteal to yourself. Regardless, the DMG increase means more healing for your party member.

  • Once you have the Soul Armor Core Passive trait, your SD will additionally increase the party member’s Dual Defense by your Omni Percentage for 4 seconds. You don’t have to track this at all, it just happens. The higher Omni you have, the more of a buff the party member will receive.

Tainted Soul

  • Tainted Soul will heal the target for a massive amount of HP, but then adds a DOT to that target for X% of the healing it did.
  • If you have the Vilebloom talent (see below screenshot), use TS on CD unless you’re going to be using Soul Link. If you will be using Soul Link try to hold off from using TS until a party member is linked, then use it on the party member you used Soul Link on.

Note: TS must be used on the Party Member that has Soul Link for it to AOE heal. If you use Soul Link on the tank and use TS on a DPS player it won’t spread the AOE.

  • This seems to be bugged from my testing as well. Sometimes when I use it on the Soul Link player it AOE heals, and other times it doesn’t. I’m not sure if the healing just doesn’t show up on my screen sometimes due to lag with the CN server, but something to keep in mind if you don’t see the healing show up when using TS during Soul Link.


  • Vilebloom will make your Tainted Soul heal your main target with the normal TS Spell, as well as an AOE heal to all linked party members. You can use TS and Soul Blossom during Soul Link to get multiple AOE heals in 1 link spell.
  • As well, if you’re using TS outside of Soul Link, your next SD will grant additional vitality gaining DF faster.
  • If you don’t have the Vilebloom talent, use TS on CD.
  • Once you have obtained the Sanctum Core Passive talent, make sure you are using Tainted Soul or Soulguard (replaces TS. See spell below) before using Burning Soul. This talent reduces the cooldown of your TS by 3 times your CD percentage.


Soulguard is a talent choice on the left hand side and replaces Tainted Soul if picked.

  • It also makes certain talents that would utilize Tainted Soul useless to have points in, so avoid TS talents if you’re going to take the Soulguard talent.
  • Good for PvP, decent for PvE

I’ll add a note here that I have not used Soulguard a lot. The few times I used it in Arcane Realm dungeons it didn’t feel as strong as a heal as I would have liked and often would be healing the tank when they are already full HP where I could have gotten more value out of the strong healing from TS when I wanted to cast it. 

Soulguard will replace Tainted Soul as a spell and become a new spell for you to use.

There is Recover Flower 1 in the description, this means each cast will provide 1 DF. Similar to TS providing 10 vitality but there is a difference.

  • Recover Flower still fills up 1 DF but Soulguard will just fill your lowest vitality flower to full. This means if you’re at 9 Vitality for a flower and use Soulguard, it will provide 1 vitality and fill the DF to full.
  • Tainted Soul will provide 10 vitality, meaning if you’re at 9 for 1 DF and about to reach 10, you’ll get 1 for the first DF, and 9 for the next DF filled.

This is a single target ability on a fairly short CD that will heal the party member that this is cast on each time they are attacked in combat

  • Might be easier to use for beginners and low level dungeons where most of the damage will be on the tank, you can cast this on your tank without the DOT effect from TS and focus more on DPS or healing other party members.

It is a decent amount of healing per Soul Fire and can be a beneficial talent to take if there is little to no AOE healing in the dungeon/raid. 

Best to keep this up on the Tank at all times. It really should not be used on anyone outside of the tank unless they have aggro from mobs or the tank is dead.

If you are taking the Soulguard talent, you will want to follow the talents below it to buff Soulguard further. This is the only way to make Soulguard stronger outside of your stats and abilities.

I won’t be going through all the talents here. The initial talent of Soulguard is a single target ability until you put some talents into the below path.

You will unlock:

  • A heal once the last Soul Fire is done to the lowest HP Party member.
  • A chance to buff Soul Fires to 4 instead of 3. If the party member of your Soul Link also has Soulguard they have a chance to heal other party members when the Soul Link party member takes damage.
  • And a stronger heal to Soulguard as well as further damage reduction.

Soul Link

Soul Link is our AOE spender spell. It uses the DF we build from gaining vitality to link us to the party members, and then enhances our Soul Herb into Soul Blossom to AOE healing everyone linked.

This spell is what makes Necro healers so difficult to master compared to Bard and Priest. A good Necro healer will need to learn the boss rotation and spell casts and be ready to have 4 DF stored up before any AOE abilities go off. 

If you cast Soul Link too early/often you won’t have it up during major AOE spots. And if you don’t cast before the AOE goes out, you lose out on the shared DMG split and DMG reduction.

Having at least one DF will make Soul Link castable. Casting Soul Link with at least one flower will swap your Soul Herb spell into Soul Blossom, becoming an AOE spell.

  • Each additional flower gained after will increase the healing of that Soul Blossom cast by 25% per flower consumed.

Aim for 4 flowers for each cast of Soul Link to get the most healing out of Soul Blossom even if you’re only healing 1-2 people. Though it is okay to use Soul Link with 3 or less flowers to help save someone who otherwise would die.

This will mainly be used on the tank since it provides a Physical DEF bonus, but you may need to Link another party member depending on the damage they are receiving.

  • A notable time you might want to link a non-tank player is when they are targeted by a boss mechanic and you want to help split the damage of that attack.

Each ally that is linked to you shares the damage and healing from the linked person by X%.

Soul Link is enhanced further if you take the Soul link+ Talent.

  • This talent will also provide an extra X% of DMG reduction to the target, so it’s best to have Soul Link up before the damage goes out.
  • The best way to know this is learning the fights, your healing might not seem great for the first couple runs of a new dungeon/raid, but once you learn the patterns and mechanics you can be ready to use Soul Link at the right time.
  • A good reminder to have your DBM message and Target Area customization in a spot where you can easily see when the boss will be casting an AOE spell.

Burning Soul

Burning Soul is one of two ways we can apply a HOT to a target.

  • The other is from a Core Passive Talent for Souldraw. Will cover this in the Core Passive Talents section.

Prioritizing the tank for this, it is a very strong HOT that will help keep the party member alive while large amounts of damage is going out.

This can be very useful when you have 2 or more targets that you need to heal and don’t have Soul Link available to cast.

  • Using Burning Soul on Party Member 1
  • Focus healing on Party Member 2+
  • Get 4 DF and use Soul Link to heal up any remaining missing HP.

Burning Soul also increases the party member’s health by X% for the duration; it can keep a party member alive that might have died otherwise from the buff to their HP.

  • This is where it can also be useful to cast on non-tank targets to get their HP increased and a HOT to heal them back up quickly.

If you take the Burning Soul+ talent it also increases the party member’s HP by an additional X% while also increasing the HOT by X%.

  • Taking the Blossom Talent will increase the next Soul Herb cast by X% and grant an additional DF

Soul Dance

Soul Dance is our major healing CD, each healer has one that is similar for a strong AOE heal.

  • Note: the description above is incorrect. It should say “24 meters, within 5.5 sec”

You must stand still while casting Soul Dance, any movement will interrupt the spell and cancel your remaining heals.

This should only be used when massive AOE damage is going out and you need to heal everyone over the 5.5 second cast.

If you are in a raid environment it is best to speak with your other healer(s) on when they will be using their major CD so you are not overlapping if there are multiple AOE phases before your next Soul Dance will be back up.

A good way to focus on prioritizing Soul Dance is whether you need the full AOE heal from the 5.5 seconds, or if a Soul Link combo can heal up the party instead.

If Soul Dance is down, you will have to rely on Soul Link’s AOE healing to cover the massive amount of damage, or using your Inscribed Stone Skill (See Inscribed Stone Skill section of the guide) to cover the damage.

  • A note on Soul Link and Soul Dance, it’s better to have used it and the spell be on Cooldown and work through any major damage events or have the party use a potion to cover the damage than to not use them at all and people end up dying.

A strong combo for healing is to prepare 4 DF for a Soul Link.

  • Just before the AOE damage is coming out, cast Soul Link and TS or Soul Blossom for an initial burst of healing.
  • This will provide the split damage as well as the damage reduction if you took the Soul Link+ talent
  • And then cast Soul Dance.

Alternatively, if Soul Dance is not going to cover the entire AOE phase or you want a strong DEF buff on the tank coming out of the AOE phase.

  • Save up 4 DF
  • Once AOE damage is coming out, cast Soul Dance
  • Once Soul Dance is done cast Soul Link on the Tank and TS or Soul Blossom to top off any remaining low HP party members

Inscribed Stone Skill

Each class has a Stone Skill, the bar above your DF is the charge that is required to activate your Stone Skill.

Using Souldraw or Tainted Soul / Soulguard will increase your Inscribed Stone charge. Upon reaching max, it will have a Proc on the ability and will enhance your spells.

  • Soul Herb will be an AOE cast for 6 seconds.
  • Soul Link will add additional DMG Reduction when active.
  • I believe this is for all linked party members. Haven’t confirmed.

Casting your Stone Skill is a great way to burst AOE healing and help with Damage reduction. You would normally want to use Soul Dance for early AOE damage in a fight to get it on CD, and then when the next AOE damage phase is coming out you would cast your Stone Skill as Soul Dance will still be on CD to keep everyone alive. Then repeat. You should never be casting your Inscribed Skill when you’re going to be using Soul Dance.

As mentioned before, this is where being a Necro healer adds a lot of skill and planning. When you know that your Inscribed skill is Max and ready to use, it’s better to hold your Soul Link with 4 DF until after you activate the Inscribed Skill.

  • If you use Soul Link too early, you won’t have the DMG Reduction during the buffed window.
  • To make sure you get the most out of your Soul Link and Inscribed Skill it’s best to wait until the very last second before the AOE damage starts, then cast your Inscribed Skill > Soul Link > Soul Herb.

Your Inscribe Skill can also be filled faster by putting points into Resonance in the Inscribed Stone skill tree (Default key I). 

The above Inscribed Skill tree is what I have set, this is not saying that this is the best but I went this route for the 10% cooldown reduction path based on the gear I was getting. I’ll explain why the 10% cooldown reduction was a focus for me in the next section for Core Talents.

The prioritization here is:

Resonance >> Omni/Crit/Cooldown > Focus >> Specialization Effect > Intellect >>>>> Stamina

There is a lot to explain about the Inscribed Stone path. I won’t be going into deep details right now, just giving some basic tips to focus on:

  • You only need to put 1 point into a slot to obtain the next path.
  • Try to follow the above prioritization pathing to get the most out of your stats.
  • Depending on your gear, if you have more Omni then you’ll want to go the Omni route. If you have more Cooldown, then go to the Cooldown side.
  • You can remove and add as many times as you want, and can set 3 configurations if you want to do 1 as Cooldown focused, 1 as Omni and 1 as DPS for instance.
  • You obtain energy by doing various daily activities, so make sure you’re doing the daily requirements. You can also buy it through Reputation, so make sure you’re doing the Rep quests as well.

Core Passive Talents

The Core Passive talents are on the Right side of your talent tree. You start off with the Crit. Mastery Talent which provides 5% Crit. Rate.

As this states, these are Passive talents and you don’t put any points into them. As you put more points into your talent tree you’ll unlock more Core Passive talents.

  • There is both a Passive unlock talent provided, as well as a stat bonus passive unlocked. To obtain the stat bonus unlock, you need to meet the stat requirement.
  • For instance for Renewal you need 16% crit to unlock the first stat passive bonus.
  • Once you have 25% Crit you’ll unlock the second stat passive bonus. 
  • Etc. 

They are:

Renewal (First Unlock)

Static Passive:

  • When Soul Herb Deals a Crit it grants 1 Vitality. Nothing you need to focus on, it will just happen as you play.

Stat Passive:

  • For every 4 DF you gain, the Soul Herb will turn into Soul Blossom (AOE heal) and be buffed by X% based on your Crit and the Stat bonus. In the above picture it would provide the Soul Blossom a 60% increase in healing.

Soul Armor (Second Unlock)

Static Passive:

  • Casting Souldraw will increase the targets Dual Defense (tank stat) by X% of your Omni for 4 seconds.

Stat Passive:

  • When obtaining the Omni stat % required your Souldraw will add a HOT to the party member for X% for 4 seconds.

Sanctum (Third Unlock)

Static Passive:

  • Casting Burning Soul reduces the Cooldown of Tainted Soul or Soulgard (if talented) by your cooldown percentage x 3.
  • You want to make sure to use Tainted Soul before Burning soul to receive this benefit.

Stat Passive:

  • The party member who has Burning Soul on them will receive additional Damage Reduction based on how much Crit you have
  • This is why I went to the Cooldown build in the Inscribed Talent Tree. I had so many pieces of gear that had Cooldown on it that it made more sense to keep pushing towards the 10% instead of trying to put more into Omni which I wouldn’t have made the 6% requirement for the Soul armor buff.

Crit. DMG Mastery

Last Passive Unlock:

  • Increase your Crit. DMG by 10%.
  • This also increases the Soul Draw heal received if any of the damage crits.

Spell Rotation

Compared to other MMO’s, Tarisland has an easier rotation since there are less spells to go through.

The typical Rotation will look like this:

  • Burning Soul if massive damage going out to single player.
  • Soul Link at 4 DF before AOE going out, or to recover from mistakes.
  • If talented into Vilebloom.
    • Tainted Soul on Soul Link player.
    • Soul Blossom after.
  • If not talented into Vilebloom.
    • Soul Blossom for AOE healing.
  • Spot heal with Tainted Soul, Souldraw, and Soul Herb until 4 DF.
  • Filler spell with Soul Herb.
  • Soul Dance/Inscribed Skill during Massive AOE phases.

There are multiple ways to play healer, the above will be the more “go-to” style of healing and rotation that you’ll follow. The reason I like healing is it is always changing depending on the players you’re with and whether the fight is going smoothly or not.

As long as everyone is avoiding mechanics and spells that they should be, your job is easy. The moment people stop paying attention is when your job as a healer is hard. This opens up more opportunities for you to change the rotation and figure out how to recover when large AOE is going out but your Soul Link is on CD and you only have 1 DF. Do you press your Soul Dance ability early and get it on CD before it is supposed to be? Do you try to single target everyone back up individually and use Burning Soul on the tank to help you recover?. There are options on how to play. The only way to learn that is by playing and getting into those situations and learning how you could do the fight better than the last time.

Stat Priority

The stat Priority will loosely depend on whether you’re going to be tempering a lot of gear or not. Tempering is the main way to transfer stats and special abilities from one piece of gear to another.

The priority at the moment is:

Crit to 16 or 25% > Focus > Omni = Cooldown > Intelligence >>>> Stamina

The Crit to 16 or 25% is for the Renewal Core Passive Talent to provide a larger crit for your Soul Blossom procs.

  • You can put more into Crit if you’re looking for a crit heavy build, I’m not sure if you can get to the 34% passive buff at this time with our current stats. Maybe with the 100-110 gear.

We want as little to no stamina on gear as possible, anytime you can swap a piece that has stamina for something else will always be best. 

While gearing and leveling you’ll want Item level > stats, but if you’re trying to decide between two pieces at the same item level then the above is a general idea to follow.

Your Omni or Cooldown stats will depend on which build you want to focus on, if you’re getting more gear that is Cooldown then focus on getting to the 10%, or 6% for Omni for the Core Passive Talent buff.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


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