Tarisland – Shadow Witch Raid Guide

How to Complete Shadow Witch Raid

By Varietymmos.

Elite & Challenge Mode Witch Mechanics.

Talk to the Lorne (NPC in middle of arena) to start the fight:

After you talk to lorne mobs are going to spawn on the right side so turn right kill them.

Mobs that spawn:

  • 1 group of weak ads (stack aoe on them).
  • 1 single mob.
  • 1 single mob.

Melee dps should start running towards back gate as first single mob dies.

After first group dies you should be at the back gate waiting for next enemies to spawn. Make sure to interupt centaur shaman aoe heal. Kill mobs and move towards front gate (high difficulties have more mechanics).

Run (sprint) from back gate to the front gate. Get close to mob spawn. Kill enemies. Avoid everything on the ground. Do not let lornes hp run out (healer).

  • 1x Gnoll Chief (Big Enemy).
  • 3 Trash Groups.

Will spawn at the front gate. Avoid traps and kill.

This is a trap.

The next phase:

  • The witch summoners 3 phantoms of her self. All must die for her to spawn.
  • Try to kill them equally (good practice for speed running).

Remember to keep lorne healed.

After the 3 phantoms are dead she will spawn in the middle of the map. This is when you use your burst.

Boss Phase

It’s not much damage in normal mode, witch does soul burning which does aoe damage.

Red aoe on the ground. Dodge.

Red cirlce on character. It followa you so take it away from the group.

This is important because if you’re doing a lot of damage, for example in a speed run she spawns them on top of each other (the big red beam/line). You can stand in it till the lines reach the sides.

Main tank mechanic (besides dodging) is tank swapping. If you see this warning the game is saying to taunt the boss off other tank.

Someone (usually DPS) but anyone must interupt this ability. It warns you.

When the fight is almost over harpies get summoned. If you have high DPS people skip this mechanic and kills boss. Make sure they do not kill lorne.

Congraulations. You beat you first raid.


Shadow Witch:

  • Elite verseion an all round strongr version of normal.
  • Elite mode ads one new mechanic you need to be aware of.


The blue circle in upper right corner is perish. Stack for it.

Challenge Version

Another mechanic is added for challenge mode called earth fury curse.

One person gets selected. Run to a good area and pirson falls on you.

In the first image I am the prisoner.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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