Every collectable/secret from patch v 0.7.0.
Guide to All Collectables
Golf Ball
To unlock Golf Ball pet you need to talk to him in his cave. To enter his cave you need to jump into the middle hole.

To unlock Unspeakable pet you need to talk to every statue in this order.
Edit: I noticed people having problem with talking to the statues. I think you first need to talk to the Unspeakable pet in the pet shop. Hopefully that solves it.
Observatory Code
Just like the game says, you need to listen for the beeping sound and count the beeps and then match the colours of the telescopes with the machines in the observatory. Here’s what I had.

Then you need to go to the place that is gonna be shown on the big screen and bring the item you find there to the observatory lady.
Museum Collection
Coconut drink on the balcony.
To get this one you need to buy a golf club and break the stone golf ball.
Inside the cave. Hard to miss it.
You need to get a key from the maze (under one of the benches) and then use it to open the trophy case.
this is nice, i wish i had done it first lol, but the people onky need one
Thanks i got my presents now i have 90/90 😀 great job my guy
should’ve found this before i found everything on my own lol
thanks not so much of these stuff around here!
if you go past the circle golf course then down the hill and over parkour you can get the flower
good guide i couldnt find out how to get the golf ball artifact
in the maze
dang bro how you didn’t got it like bruh it’s easy you have to get a golf club and hit the stone golf ball like it’s easy
thanks this realy helped me but i’m haveing trouble with the unspeakple pet part
i only found three artifacts thanks for the last one the golf ball