Comprehensive Guide to Squad
Put together your best Squad 13 to bring into battle.
See Basic deck building guide.
See the chart below for Level up Points & Credits costs, Reboot Points thresholds & base Boost Serum costs.
Select the mercenaries to use for your squad.
You start with 5 mercenary slots. You unlock an extra slot at L28, L26 & L22, for a total of 8 slots.
See the chart below for level up & boost costs. The blue lines indicate Reboot thresholds.
See the Tool linked in part 9 of the guide for a calculator to help you determine whether you can reach a specific Reboot/Level & calculate a mercenary’s stats at a chosen Reboot/Level.
This screen provides all the current stats for your mercenary.
Leveling up is the first & foremost way to upgrade your mercenary. Level ups consume that mercenary’s Mercenary Points & Credits.
It is not recommended to level up all your mercenaries as soon as you can. It is safe to upgrade the ones you actively use in your squad. Any other level ups are better held for the many event level up tasks.
- Unlocked at L19
Transform lower rarity mercenary points into higher rarity points of the same mercenary.
- 50 common points > 5 rare points
- 50 rare points > 5 epic points
- 20 epic points > 1 legendary point
2000 common points > 200 rare points > 20 epic points > 1 legendary point
Neural Link (NL)
- Unlocked at L26
Once you have acquired specific mercenaries at a given level (specific to each individual NL), you can spend :Serum: to unlock the NL. This is a permanent bonus to the selected mercenary.
The other required mercenaries’ stats are not altered, nor are they required to be in your squad for the bonus to be applied.
- Unlocked at L22
Once your mercenary reaches specific level thresholds, they can be rebooted for different stat bonuses.
The Mercenary Points spent on levels past the reboot threshold are refunded, but the :Credits: are not.
This does however revert them to level 1, along with the corresponding stats. Therefore, rebooting as soon as you reach the level threshold can result in a loss of stats.
See Reboots for a full guide and understanding whether a reboot is worth it or not.
Request Points
- Unlocked at L1
Restricted to common & rare mercenaries.
Not implemented yet.
- Unlocked at L23
Spend Serum to increase your mercenary’s effective level. Your effective level (which results in the stats you use) is the sum of your actual level & your boost level. Purchasing a boost sets the remaining boost duration for that mercenary to 1 day. When boosting more than once, each boost costs 4 times more than the previous one, the cost resets when the boost runs out.
During a 3 Mercs event, the 3 featured mercenaries (& all their lower rarities) see their boost Serum costs cut in half. Their boost duration is also set to 2d (instead of the usual 1d) with each boost.
Switch your mercenary to any of its unlocked outfits. This will change their card, profile & fight model (relationship outfit only).
Outfits are unlocked through the same means for all mercenaries, up to 3 outfits per merc:
- Obtain the mercenary
- Level up the mercenary once
- Reach Relationship level 20 (not all mercs)
Select which commander will lead your squad. Commanders can be leveled up as your squad power reaches set thresholds. They each come with their own skills & HP.
- Ethan: Unlocked by default / Peacekeepers Rare
- Rachie: Unlocked at L25 / Freemen Rare
- Ceres: Unlocked at L24 / Syndicate Rare
- Melissa: Unlocked at L22 / Syndicate Rare
- Legendary Commanders (S0lt Syndicate): only available as a 4999 Emerix purchase during their own individual limited-time events (unlocked at L22)
Leveling commanders counts towards mercenary leveling tasks, as a mercenary of the same faction & rarity.
Check out all the mercenaries currently implemented in the game, as well as their unlock conditions (league unlocks or event exclusive). Owned & unlocked (shown as “Not obtained”) mercenaries can be found in Recruitment & crates. Some events allow mercenaries to be collected, whatever their status & usual unlock conditions may be.
Gallery shows all mercenaries’ stats at max reboot & max level. If a mercenary is owned & boosted, it will show as a higher level in the gallery, but that is only a display bug & changes nothing other than the level number.

Kitty, Regina & certain 3 mercs event featured mercenaries can have some exclusive content unlocked through leveling up their Relationship.
Obtaining any rarity of one of these mercenaries unlocks the associated Relationship.
Leveling up your Relationship with a mercenary unlocks dates, bio entries & an outfit.
See the chart below for the full details & XP requirements.
Relationship XP is obtained through progressing through their Chat & sending them Gifts.
Gifts can be found in Crates (PvP wins & Daily/Weekly) or bought in bundles.
Gifts come in 9 varieties, 3 of each rarity giving different xp: blues give 10 XP, purples give 20 XP & reds give 50 XP.
Each Mercenary has a preferred gift in each rarity which will give her an extra 20% XP:
- Kitty: 1st blue / 3rd purple / 3rd red
- Regina: 2nd blue / 1st purple / 1st red
- Mitsuki: 3rd blue / 2nd purple / 1st red
This menu lists all the scenes unlocked through leveling up your mercenary’s Relationship
Enjoy all the lore you have unlocked about your mercenary.
Change your mercenary to any of its 3 outfits once you have them unlocked.

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